2022 - Events and Activities Representative
My journey as a member of the Deakin University Student Council has been a rewarding experience where I have had the privilege of serving the Deakin University student community. In 2022 I was invited by some of my fellow students to run as the Events and Activities Representative (Burwood) in the Annual Deakin University Student Association (DUSA) Election, a role which I successfully obtained. This position allowed me to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all Deakin students by collaborating with the Student Engagement Department and other relevant Deakin University departments to create engaging events and activities. Simultaneously, I worked with the Burwood Campus Co-ordinator, Accessibility Representative, Women’s Representative, Queer Representative, International Representative and Clubs and Society Representative to assist in the development and implementation of initiatives specific to their portfolios.
These initiatives included:
The creation of an online survey for Deakin students to voice their suggestions about what changes would make Deakin campuses more accessible (alongside the Accessibility Representative);
Handing out goody bags with products designed to support and celebrate women and those identifying as women for International Women’s Day (alongside the Women’s Representative);
Assistance during PRIDE Week at various events (alongside the Queer Representative);
Advice and support for the planning of a University Ball to celebrate Club Executives (alongside the Clubs and Society Representative).
Additionally, I assisted students who were experiencing financial difficulty or struggling to access healthy and nutritious items by completing shifts at the DUSA Food Pantry (which runs every fortnight, and offers fruit, vegetables and pantry items to students, free of charge). I also participated in DUSA themed weeks, such as U Belong Week and Self-Care Week. Contributing to these events and activities enabled me to engage with the Deakin student community, where I was able to hear student concerns and provide advice or guidance where appropriate. Outside of this, my role was to receive and respond to student enquiries relating to events and activities and encourage and facilitate cross-campus collaboration to increase participation from the student community.
At the end of my term I assisted in the decision-making process to expand the Campus Committee to better reflect the diverse Deakin student community. This resulted in the addition of a Diversity and Belonging Representative, Equity Representative, People of Colour Representative, Post Graduate Representative, and Student Engagement Representative. I also participated in a handover with the incoming Events and Activities Representative, and have continued to mentor this student in their role in 2023.
2023 - Member of Student Council
In 2023 I again participated and was successful at the Annual DUSA Election, this time running for a position as a Student Councillor. This role allows me to embody and exemplify the leadership standards set by DUSA for Student Council, which are to advance the education of students at Deakin University by promoting their interests and welfare, represent students within and outside the University, and co-ordinate and support the activities of students. The role also encompasses governance in setting the strategic direction of the organisation and representing the voice of students at university forums and initiatives, and operational activity by being involved in activities run by DUSA.
As part of the Student Council I am responsible for helping students succeed via the 2023 Strategic Plan, with goals including to “be a strong and visible voice that advocates and lobbies for student needs”, “increase the number of students who experience DUSA as a supportive community” and “provide relevant and accessible services that enhance the overall experience for all students”. I realise these goals through my work at events and activities run by DUSA, similar to those discussed above during my tenure in 2022, and through my voting power on the Student Council Board. We (the 10 Student Councillors) vote on issues directly relevant to students at Deakin University which we are able to do as we ourselves are students, and as we consistently speak to and engage with other students to ensure that we are representing them appropriately.
My experiences on the DUSA Student Council have allowed me to have a positive influence over the well-being of others by participating in events that actively improve students physical and mental welfare. I have contributed to the conception, evaluation and improvement of various programs for different portfolios, empowering myself and other Representatives on the Campus Committee and Student Council to pursue initiatives aimed at benefiting those we represent. My time as the Events and Activities Representative on the Burwood Campus Committee in 2022 and as a Student Councillor in 2023 have also profoundly impacted my personal growth and awareness. Engaging with students from diverse backgrounds has enriched my understanding of different perspectives and needs, which has in turn fostered self-awareness and enhanced my empathy. I incorporate this awareness into my leadership approach as I continuously strive to create an inclusive environment that caters to a broad array of students, therefore positively impacting the Deakin community.